バンドル内に配置される *.plist から取得すればいい。
[[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:(NSString*)kCFBundleVersionKey];
代表的なキーは CFBundle.h で定義されている。以下、引用:
/* ===================== Standard Info.plist keys ===================== */ CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFBundleInfoDictionaryVersionKey; /* The version of the Info.plist format */ CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFBundleExecutableKey; /* The name of the executable in this bundle, if any */ CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFBundleIdentifierKey; /* The bundle identifier (for CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier()) */ CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFBundleVersionKey; /* The version number of the bundle. For Mac OS 9 style version numbers (for example "2.5.3d5"), */ /* clients can use CFBundleGetVersionNumber() instead of accessing this key directly since that */ /* function will properly convert the version string into its compact integer representation. */ CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFBundleDevelopmentRegionKey; /* The name of the development language of the bundle. */ CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFBundleNameKey; /* The human-readable name of the bundle. This key is often found in the InfoPlist.strings since it is usually localized. */ CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFBundleLocalizationsKey CF_AVAILABLE(10_2, 2_0); /* Allows an unbundled application that handles localization itself to specify which localizations it has available. */
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